I like to play hide and seek tag outside, how you play it is there is one person or 2 people that is it, the person that is it have to count 1 minute, everybody else hide. Everybody gets in runaway chance, a runaway chance is when you got tagged, and you get to run away the first time you get tagged. But if you get tagged the second time, you cannot run away again.I made up this game, how I made it up is once, a friend of my ate real slow so me and my other friend decided to run away from her.We hide there and here, changing spot every time we feel it’s mot save anymore. We hide the whole lunch, and we all think it is fun.I remember once, I was hiding in a corner and my friend just passed me without seeing me hiding there.It is kind of hard for the person that is it, that’s why after a while, we decided to have two people that is it if there are 4 or more people playing.