My name is Sarah, I have my mom, dad, my sister, and my grandma in my family.

I live in an apartment on Mayberry street. Beside my apartment there is a park. The park is big but the playground is small. In my apartment there are 3 rooms, 1 laundry room, 1 washroom, and a huge yard. I share a room with my sister, I like it because sometimes I get scared at night but I know she’s underneath me so it makes me less scared, but I don’t like it because she throws her stuff everywhere. My family likes to eat out together and bike in the park together. There’s also something that we do together in the summer a lot. We go fishing. We have 3 rods, and we usually fish for small fish but sometimes we go for salmon. The only person that doesn’t fish in our family is my sister, I think she’s too young. Last last year, my dad caught 2 big salmon, we had them for dinner that night, they were delicious! For vacation we haven’t gone anywhere but Canada and china, but those 2 countries are very big! I love travelling but I get car sick and that’s not fun.

Here is what I do out of school. Every Sunday I go to church with my mom and my sister. At our church there are different, smaller groups. We name the groups by numbers. The group my family is in is group #1. The people in the groups are much closer and know each other better because we meet with each other every Saturday. Sometimes on Wednesday there are Christian classes for the adults, kids aren’t allowed to go L. When we go to church on Sunday its different from other churches. In most churches you go in the morning and it ends a little earlier before lunch. In our church you go at 2:30 and leave at 4:30 or 7:00. The reason there are 2 times to leave is because at 4:00 there are treats (cake, sandwiches, juice, fruit, etc.) and after you eat the 2nd session starts. Some people leave at 4:30. But if you stay until 7:00 there is dinner! It is free but it relies on the donations that people give.

Going to church isn’t the only thing I do. I also have violin, drawing, and swimming class. My violin class is on Tuesday and it is for 45 minutes. My drawing class is on Sunday and it starts at 12:30 and ends at 2:00. Right after drawing class we go to church. Both my violin class and drawing class is in the teacher’s house but my swimming class isn’t (obviously). I take swimming lessons in the summer only because it is warmer then and there is also more time because of summer vacation. At home I practice for about 50-60 minutes each day.

That is basically what I do every week, and how my life is like at home!