My family story is about how my mom and dad met…

In kindergarden my mom and dad were classmates my dad was a average boy learned how to ride a bike; on the other hand my mom was a strict girl a nice but strict girl. They met by saying “hi”. In fifth grade my dad’s grade’s started going up; my mom’s grade’s were still straight A’s. After grade five my mom started selling tomatoes and my dad teased her by saying “tomato, tomato” my mom would chase him but he was on his bike so she never caught him. In grade 6 my mom stopped selling vegetables and my dad started teasing her less, my mom knew he had a crush on her but my dad didn’t have the guts to tell her. In high school my mom started studying harder because school was more challenging my dad on the other hand was getting B’s like crazy and he never studied. After high school they split up my mom went to Hongkong, and my dad stayed in the Philippines. In 2004 my mom went to Canada so she a immigrant by that year and stayed in a house in 2005 my mom gave birth and I was born I was was named Josh as you know. In 2011 me, my mom, my cousin, and two other people went to the Philippines, she met my dad again before we left and we missed him on the plane. In 2014 he passed away really sad I don’t want to talk about it. His funeral was in the Philippines I couldn’t go because we had no money so I was devastated until today I can’t see his face unless there photos still left of him in my mom’s phone or classmate photos.