My friends and I like to play this game called heaven. I made this game. So there would be a heaven guard, and the guard would stand behind the gate. The gate is 2 trees that are close to each other. We use the trees in Amy’s garden. We choose a guard for heaven, and the guard gets to choose who is an angel and who is a devil. The guard will ask you these questions to decide if you are angel or not:

  1. What is your name, age and birthday?
  2. How did you die?
  3. What good deeds did you do in your life?

Once you answer these questions, the guard can decide. Usually, if you lie or be mean, you are a devil. When I play the game, I sometimes say that so and so killed me. If I say that, the person I said would be sent to hell, and turned to a devil. If the guard decides to let you be an angel, you get a special set of wings, and a healing potion. The healing potion is used to save someone once they have been captured and turned to a devil. If you are an angel you have to stand beside the guard and wait for him/her to finish.

Once the guard has finished, the angels get a 10 second head start to run. After the 10 seconds the devils are allowed to go catch you. At this point it is something like tag. If a devil tags you, you become one of them. When we play, it usually depends on how much people there are to determine how much devils there are. If the devil catches you, your friend that is not tagged can use their healing potion to heal you. But, the healing potion can only be used once. So sometimes, your “friend” might choose to not save you. But if you actually have a good friend and they save you, you do not get your healing potion back.

Usually the game never ends, so to end the game we just run to the front door beside portable 1. If you reach the door and you’re safe, then consider yourself the winner! (Although you may have ten more winners with you). My friends and I really like this game, we play it a lot! But it is more fun to play with more people.