My family STRY

In my family story. This story is about when I was up-north. I was driving to my Grandpa and Granma. I don’t know why it takes 2-3 days to get up but it takes 1 day to get down. When I was up north before I was playing in the snow and when I was playing I fell in an ice Hole. I did not know how long I was in there but it felt like a long time. I was screaming for help not crying. I sat down and I felt something on my butt and it was an axe. I was using it to get out but the ice was too slippery. I heard footsteps I was scared but it was my dad and mom. They were so scared they side and they went to went to Walmart with my family my dad always Gets candy my brother always get Pokémon and I look at hockey stuff and rcs. Ones all my 37 Cousin and 3 grandpa and Granma and 27 ants and 41 uncles and only 3 bed rooms and that is crazy my mom lives on a farm when she was a kid my dad is a builder his the best builder their my brother really likes Pokémon and my sister likes hello kitty and my other brother likes thomas it is a BIG family