My grandma only told me this story once, but I remember every single part of the story. For me, it’s a family story.

“When I was young” she start the story “I live in a farm. My family was kind of poor, but it’s a very happy family. Until one day, I got sick” She said “My family thought I was going to die, so that night, my father sat beside my bed” “is he trying to be with you for the last moment?” I cut into the story, stopping grandma “no” my grandma said “ that time, people believe that people cannot die on the bed, so when I am dying, my father can bring me down . We heard a sound, it was from a pig in the back yard, a wolf was stealing a pig in the farm. “She won’t die now” my father said. “Why?” I said, stopping grandma from saying the story. “Because at that tme, people believe that you can tray life with life. One life will die that night” my grandma said “and it was supposed to be me, but the wolf came and the pig die.” My grandma said “Maybe life tray life is really true sometimes” “oh”  I don’t really think that life tray life tray life is true, but after that, I remember every single part of the story, like if it was printed in my heart.