Once when I was little, I was bitten by mosquitoes. I ran into my mom and scrap my face to hers because it was so itchy. I scrap until it’s not itchy anymore, I hopped down and ran away. My mom said I was so lazy because I can just scratch it by using my hands.
Once my mom sees me eating a medicine. That time my grandpa is sick very badly and my family put his medicine where they put all the medicine. My mom told me to spit it out because if I ate the wrong medicine I’ll be in danger. But I just stare at her. Then she opened my mouth and checked the medicine. It’s safe, sweet and it will help my stomach working, so I like to use it.
When I was about 3 years old, my family and I went to a place that is kind of like a hotel. There were pear trees but the pears are still young and green, so we couldn’t eat it yet. There are also rooms that we can play cards. When it’s about 6’o clock, we put our dinner on a wood table which is outside. We don’t have any chairs because beside us, there was a family who comes just before us about 25 min. and they each get 2 chairs (they each sit on one and put their bags on one chair). My mom went to ask if we can use the chairs, but they said someone else is going to arrive here in 5 min. Then we waited and waited, when about 15 min. passed, no one comes. I ran over and say to them “please take your bags away”, they saw that I was a little child, so they didn’t refuse. They put their bags on their laps. Then I moved the chairs one by one to our table by myself, then we had a great dinner.