Last year before Christmas, I planned to give my little brother’s old shoes for Christmas. My brother’s old shoes was when he was five or six years old that time. When I started my plan, I put his old shoes in a Nike box. So it makes it more convincing that I gave my little brother brand new shoes for Christmas. After that, I wrapped the present with Christmas wrapping. The problem was that I didn’t know how to wrap presents and it took long enough to do it. When I was done I put my little brother’s present under our Christmas tree. And I heard my little brother talking to my mom that he was going to give me something on Christmas. I started getting curious about what he was going to give me. So I started asking him questions, but he said it was a secret. A few days later it was Christmas! I was very excited what my brother was going to react  to my  Christmas present for him. I was also excited about what my brother was going to give me on Christmas too. When it was time to open our presents, I immediately gave my present to my little brother. My brother looked excited about the present that I gave to him. It was hard trying to not to laugh but I couldn’t hold my laugh in. When my brother unwrapped the present, he started jumping everywhere like a kangaroo and he also hugged me. Then he opened the box and he realized that it wasn’t it that he think it was. I started laughing really hard and my brother’s reaction was priceless! After everything, it was my turn to open my little brother’s present to me. I unwrapped his present and inside his present was a bag of popcorn and cup noodles. And my little brother laughed so hard as well. It was unexpected that my brother and I gave each other unnecessary things on Christmas. And this is my family story about me and my little brother.