Once when my grandpa was about 20 years old, he got sent to the Northwest part of China because of his job. He lived in a village, but there was an important meeting in another village. There was quite a distance between the two villages, and there weren’t any cars or bikes. So he had to walk back and forth.

The meeting took a very long time, and when he was about to go back to his house, it was around midnight. Between the two villages there weren’t any houses or anything, there were only tall trees and mountains and hills. There wasn’t much light because there weren’t any street lights like there is now. The only light to guide him was the moon light.

As he walked he saw two green eyes staring and him. When he saw them, he knew that they were the eyes of a wolf. My grandpa didn’t have any weapons, but he did have a sickle. He held on tight to his sickle, and he picked up a rock. The wolf and my grandpa walked face to face. The animals made noises, and the wind howled. They walked looking at each other. The wolf looked at my grandpa’s sickle, and when the moon shone on it, it looked like it was blood red. After that the wolf backed off and walked away. Luckily the wolf didn’t attack him!