Dear Mom & Dad,

I’ve landed on this island myself with a dead pilot and now I feel alone and disappointed. Being alone makes me feel very sad because a rescue plane passed me and after that I feel hopeless. I miss both of you and whoever picks this up please help me, I am in a painstaking mood. Although I kind of feel bad for both of you because I know you both miss me too. I tried my best to stay alive, but I can’t take any more of this madness. I’ve survived from a mother bear with 2 cubs, I’ve survived from 4 wolfs and I also survived from eating turtle eggs, gut cherries and fish that I’ve never seen or eaten before. I’ve seen a porcupine and had 8 quills stuck on my leg. I made a fire to cook the fish that I’ve never eaten before. I made a spear and a bow and arrow to kill fish, the spear did not work, but I made the bow and arrow and its can kill as many fish as I want. I survived the plane crash because I directed the plane toward the lake. Oh and the whole reason I’m here is because the pilot had a heart attack, so now is now, then is then.


P.S I miss both of you!