Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m in the middle of a Canadian forest and this letter will be the last of my life and I am here to say that I give up.

I have been in this forest for about 47 days. It all started when the pilot had a heart-attack and the plane crashed. The only reason I am surviving right now is because of Perpich. He taught me to stay motivated and that self-pity doesn’t work. But you might be asking, if you are doing so well, then why do you want to give up? Well, it happened that the helicopter that was looking for me came, but it didn’t see my signal. As it flew past for good, a bunch of words came to my head like: depressed, low, suicidal, blue, bad, terrible, sick, gutted, clouddown, funk, alone, hopeless and dead. Right now I’m feeling even worse than the day when I got lost in the store.

In that time I first saw the plane I felt glorious, I was as happy as if I had won the lottery. Then I saw it going back. In that moment I got as sad as if I went to jail.

I know I got really close to get back home, you might even say no, don’t give up now, sorry but it will end. forget about you two. I thought that it would have been too much for me, I can’t bear this so I give up.

If the plane would came back it would take months or maybe years, and after those years I will forget how the city works and maybe even forget about you two

This will be the last note of my life, goodbye.

From: Brian

To: Mom and Dad