Dear Mom and Dad

I’ve crashed landed in this lake, and lost in this forest. I feel extremely hopeless. I also feel absorbed in my own funk. The one and only chance I could see you again was gone. I feel like ending it, ending my life. All the things I’ve done was for nothing. At first I was motivated and hopeful of what Mr. Perpich said. But when the plane ignored me I felt suicidal and down. You are probably wondering how I survived in this forest for 47 days. I used the hatchet you bought me to make a lean-to. I also used the hatchet to make fire. I also found raspberries and caught fish. But I still feel hopeless. It is extremely hot in some days so I built my lean-to near the lake so I can get water if I need to and to hide me from the sun. It has been really hard in the wilderness, a porcupine stabbed me in the leg and a skunk farted on my face.