Dear mom and dad. It’s me your son Brian. I’m ok right now. I’m stuck in the Canadian woods. I need to get out of here! I’m doing well in surviving and getting things I really need to survive like, a lean-to shelter, food and water, fire to keep me warm, a hatchet, spear, bow and arrow to protect myself from animals. I almost got rescued but the searchers missed me because I set up a fire signal too late. After than I almost committed suicide because I felt hopeless, sad and depressed. But I couldn’t do it’ I couldn’t cut myself. Then I got in the wolf’s territory and I knew I should get out of there, but what I didn’t expected was that wolf would just look at me and stay calm all the time instead of attacking me. Then when 3 other wolves popped up I just slowly walked away. After that I realized the wolf was just another part of the woods. Now I have more hope in knowledge than hope in getting rescued. I’m not sure when I will get rescued but I will get rescued soon.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   sincerely from Brian Robenson