Dear, Mom and Dad. I’m still alive near the lake. I’m still hoping that someone will save me. After a few days I wanted to end my life. I was depressed, cloudown and lonely. I didn’t think I would survive this long. After the plane crashed I fell in the water. I woke up and saw myself in the water. I felt scared and afraid of dying. After a few days I was starving and had nothing to eat I had to figure out what to eat. I saw birds flying in the sky and eating berries I realized that I was starving. I thought I can eat them too. I didn’t have a shelter I didn’t have protection from, mosquito, rain, sun and harmful animals. I saw a big rock and it look like a cave I build my shelter close to the ridge. I also made fire it was hard to make. I tired lot of thing but it couldn’t work it was painstaking. Mom and Dad if you ever find this letter I want you to know that I am sorry for all the things that I’ve done.