Brian absolutely needs water to survive, plus he was unbelievable thirsty. He craw to the edge, but saw lots of bugs swimming in the lake. He got on the log that stands out. Then the water is clean. He stares into the water. No one ever told him that the lake water is safe, but no one told him not to drink the lake water. “I will just take a sip”, Brian thought. At first he only take a sip, but then he drank more and more. He could not stop. Brian stopped when him stomach is full of water. He walked weakly, and then he threw up. After he threw up, the thirsty had gone but he’s hungry now. The thirsty was stronger than hunger, so Brian didn’t feel it. Now he’s not thirsty anymore, so the hunger came. Brian needs to boil the water, so he won’t threw up when he drank a lot water at once. He would be sick if he don’t boiled the water. He won’t be diarrhea if he boiled the water before he drank it.

Brian was very hungry, so he went search for food, he walked around the edge of the lake and searched. He found cherries first, he saw the birds jumping on it but not eating it. Then he ate a lot of them. The next day he felt as his stomach had exploded. The cherries didn’t taste really good. Then he went to find other food. He found raspberries, he saw the birds eating it. Brian tried one, it taste really good, so he brought some to his shelter. At a night, a porcupine had attacked him, then it ran away. Brian wondered what animal and what is it doing when it came up from the water, climb on the sand, and went to back to the water. Brian went out to check. He saw a part of the sand that is a little higher than other place. After he digs it, he found eggs. Raw, turtle eggs. There were 17 of them and he ate 6 eggs. The first one taste awful, but the second one is okay. Brian try to make a spear to catch to fish, but he failed. Maybe there are other ways to catch the fish.

Brian need a lean-to or a shelter, so he starts searching around. He remembered that he and his friend had been talking about survival in the forest, they talked about shelter, so Brian knows it. He want to make a lean-to against the rock, but he decided to check the far end of the ridge. Then he got a good luck. It’s like a cave but not the same, Brian could almost stand under the roof. He collected some branches and grasses to make a door. The shelter would protect him from hot sun, cold rain insects and mosquitos. Then the mosquitos won’t eat him alive. The shelter can also keep him dry.

Brian’s habitat included forest, lake, and ridge. The forest is located northern. There are also trees and bushes, so he found cherries in the bushes. He had ate berries and raw turtle eggs, he possibly could eat fish and birds. Brian worked really hard to build a fire, and he made it. The fire can bring warmth, so he won’t be cold if outside of the shelter is raining. It brings him safety and security, because it brings light. He would be able to see when it’s dark, he would be able to know if any attackers comes. He felt as the fire is his friend, his only friend in the whole forest.

Brian starts to noticed how beautiful is the sun set is. He starts using his five senses. Then the plane came, Brian was in the forest so it makes a little hard to see. But they can still see him if they make a left turn. But they didn’t, so it leaves. The depression and disappointed filled in his body. Brian had been left. Brian thought the word Clouddown over and over again. He want to end his life by using the hatchet to cutting his arm. He want to die. But next morning, he’s still survive. So his hope came back to him. He was new. Brian saw the wolf and felt scared. He thinks this over again, this is the wolf’s territory, but the plane crashed and he lived in the forest, maybe the wolf already knew it. They chose to not do anything to him. Then the felt of scared flew away. He nodded to every wolf. He felt as the wolf and he understand each other. Brian stayed in the lake and tried to catch the fish for hours and hours. He couldn’t understand. Why can’t he catch the fish? He thought and thought, then he get it. The light bends in water through the air because the water and air isn’t the same subject. He tried again, and a gold fish struggles in the air. He had done his food. Brian made a fork and cooked the fish, it taste delicious. He went to catch the fish by using to spear again, cook it, and eat it. He had ate nothing past those days. He think he must have ate over 20 fishes. He thinks he is filled of hopes now, though hopes. He had to work for it, work for the hopes.