Since Brian’s plane crashed in the lake, he needed to survive in a new habitat. First, he tried to catch a fish with his hands, but it didn’t work. Then he made a spear but it didn’t work because it wasn’t fast enough to catch a fish. He tried to make a bow and arrow. It took 2 and a half days to make a bow and arrow. Finally he made a bow. He started to catch a fish but it didn’t work. So he spent an hour to until   remembered that water bends the light and he needed to shoot under the fish. It worked. That day he caught many fishes Second he saw turtle egg in the hole. First try it taste.  Second try it taste a bit better. Last try it taste good. Finally, he found a ridge to build a shelter. He used his hatchet to cut woods to build a lean-to. It was hard work but he feel great because he has his own space. Brian is in-tune with nature. He is thinking of his teacher’s teaching and he is now use to eat berries, food, build. And he is using his senses and noticing more.