Brian fulfills his habitat requirement with food, water, shelter, and space. First Brian’s food is raspberries and raw turtle eggs. Now Brian is trying to make a tool to catch the fish he found in the lake. Once again Brian is showing motivation to survive. Second Brian knows he needs drinking water to survive, so he built his shelter around the lake the plane landed in. When Brian drank the lake water he threw up. I think he drank too much. Third Brian told himself that he had to be under shelter. Brian built his lean-to under a little bit of rock. He built his lean-to door out of twigs, sticks and leaves. Fifth Brian has Brian has lots of space. Brian in is the Canadian woods and there are lots of lakes and bushes. Brian even made fire in the space. When the porcupine attacked Brian he threw his hatchet and missed. So the hatchet hit the rock and sparks flew. The next day Brian made the sparks grow and the fire started. All the thing that have happened caused Brian to be more in tune with nature. For example if he hears a chirp he knows it’s a bird, or if he hears a gust of wind he know is blowing west. Brian has grown on this adventure. When Brian saw the plane leave, he lost hope. Brian didn’t give up. He would not let himself die in the woods. Brian saw the fish in the lake, so this time he tried to built a bow and arrow. Brian made it out of sticks and his shoelaces.  He tired a lot of times but failed to hit the fish. Then he remembered his biology class he took. The fish were just below where he had hit. For the next few weeks Brian had food! Brian had tough hope.