Brian is fulfilling his habitat requirements by…

Building a lean-to and making a fire with his hatchet witch will provide him with protection, warmth, and light. Brian got food by finding berries, eating raw fish, finding and eating raw turtle eggs. Brian has water from the lake but every-time he drinks it he feels sick and throws up. His shelter is a scooped out cave, he built a lean-to by cutting willows with his hatchet. His shelter protects him from weather like rain, and wind. Also from predators like a porcupine. Water decreases his thirst but with bad side effects. Food makes Brian stronger and energizes him. Brian is in tune with nature by hearing and seeing everything around him, he’s noticing his sorroundings. Brian is using his senses for protection so he can hunt and not be the hunted. Brian can boil his water so he can not feel sick. Brian also got a fish by remembering what refraction was and finally shot the fish with his bow and arrow. He raised the fish in the air and headed back to his shelter and cooked the fish and ate it he smothered it in his face like he has been hungry for days. Brian is starting to be more connected by hunting he is having some kind of endless hunger that makes him hunt. He even made acquaintances with a wolf at the end of the lake.