Since Brian’s plane crashed in the lake, he needed to survive in a new habitat. First he needed to get food. He saw birds eating berries and thought he could eat them too. Brian was so hungry and had nothing to eat. He saw turtle eggs lying around. Brian remembered that Uncle Carter used to eat raw eggs in the morning. He decided that he needed to eat badly enough to do so himself. Brian ate the eggs raw and saved the rest of the turtle eggs to eat once a day. The second way that Brian tried to get food was by catching fish. At first he tried to catch them with his own hands but it didn’t work. Next, he tried to make a spear but it didn’t work either. Brian made a bow and shot arrows at the fish but he missed. Brian kept shooting the fish all over again but he missed. After hours he saw the arrow bend or break in the middle but it didn’t break it was just the reflection of the light hitting the water Brain have forgotten that water refracts. After Brian caught the fish he saw golden sides he was so happy and excited he couldn’t breathe. The third way he made a shelter. Brian made his shelter close to the ridge to protect himself from mosquito, danger and harm. Brian made his shelter by using piece of wood and brace them together.