Also Brian is fulfilling his habitat requirements in a lot of ways. Brian finds food and water really close, without water or food Brian would live just about 3 days. Brian also has a hatchet and a spear to protect himself from animals and he can also use hatchet as a tool to build something. He also has fire to keep him warm all the time and prevent him from getting sick, Brian first found sparks by getting scared by porcupine and throwing hatchet at the rock face and getting sparks, later Brian gets wood and tinder so he can make the fire last as long as possible. Brian builds a lean-to shelter from a rock face and a few sticks, Brian uses rock face to protect himself from weather and sticks to hold the rock face stay and not fall on him and hurt him.

Brian is getting in-tune with the nature because now he hears and sees things he can’t in a city, and now that’s because he hears and sees the real nature all the time and doesn’t have anything else to distract him from listening hearing nature. Now he also knows what animal might be hiding by hearing it and have a lot of more senses he didn’t had in a city. Those were the requirements Brian needed to most to survive.