There are three ways that Brian showed motivation to survive. First, right after the plane crash Brian rested a while, but right after he started looking for a place to build his shelter. Then he finds a ridge he could’ve just built his shelter there, but he thought it was a better idea to go over the ridge and check. He found a small dent in the ridge and decided to build his shelter there. Even after he found the shelter he toke two hours to weave a door for his door he could’ve just threw sticks and grass for the door.

Second, Brian was trying so hard to find food when he could barely walk and he was fatigued from the hunger. Also after he found the gut cherries he knew they weren’t good enough so he kept going to find something better. The second time he found raspberries, but he saw a bear. So he ran for a while until he realized that the bear wasn’t trying to hurt him. The next day he knew he had to go back for food otherwise he would starve to death.

Lastly, he tried so hard to build a fire he first just tried smashing the hatchet into the wall it made sparks, but it wasn’t enough to make a fire so he ripped up his twenty dollar bill and tried but it wasn’t soft enough. Then he went outside and ripped balls of tendrils and then tried but it still didn’t work so he thought back to school and remembered that fire needed oxygen. So he blew on the sparks to make the fire and burned. He was so exited he threw the twigs and leaves into the fire and ran outside for wood. He repeated the process for a while and then he started treating it as a friend and tried so hard to keep it alive. He even woke up in the middle of the night to keep the fire going. These are just some of the ways that he showed motivation to survive there are still lots of other ways he showed motivation.