Brian remembered what Perich said, so Brian tried to get motivated right away. Brian did 3 things to get motivated.

First, Brian tried to find a good place for a shelter right away because he knew that he needed to have a shelter to sleep in. And in case any animals try to attack him he would be safe in his shelter. Also in case it would rain he will still be dry in his shelter.

Second, Brian needed find food. He found gut cherries, but it gave him diarrhea. He needed something better, so he went out to the forest to find another source of food. After he went searching for a while he found raspberries. These he knew he could eat.

Finally, Brian did not give up making the fire because he spent 2 hours making the fire. He spent 2 hours because he knew it was important for his survival. He kept feeding the fire because he did not want to do the whole process again because it was a lot of hard work.

Brian got motivated because he did the right thing!