Brian was motivated by several ways from his teacher Perpich.

Brian wakes up and thinks about Mr.Perpich’s motivation. With Brian’s motivation he thinks about building a shelter for more shade and protection but first Brian needs some sticks and wood so he goes searching in the forest. After a few minutes of walking Brian uses his hatchet cuts off some branches of wood and collects his sticks now Brian can make his shelter. Brian has completed his shelter it turns out to be a lean-to. After Brian built his lean-to he was tired he needed some food to have more energy because today for Brian was a long day so he decided to go hunt for food. After a few minutes of walking Brian saw some raspberries but Brian had to know if it was safe to eat and not poisonous then Brian saw a bird approaching the raspberry bush and the bird eat it then Brian knew it was safe to eat. After Brian’s lovely snack he had been full then he saw a bear! Brian stood still for a second then he panicked and ran away but then he stopped and thought to himself the bear was no harm it was eating raspberries as well so he just went back to shelter. When Brian got back to his shelter he was still shaking and nervous of the bear so he put the hatchet by his head to feel safer.


And this is how Mr.Perpich’s motivation helped Brian.