There are there ways Perpich’s teachings helped Brian survive.

First, it helped started living in the woods, he build a lean-to to protect himself from mosquitos, the hot sun, and the cold rain. He started to not feel that sad, he started to live in the natural like if he was born there.

Second, it helped Brian find food. He started to feel hungry, so he stand up and walk around to see if there are somethings that he can eat, when he find a berry bush, he didn’t just eat it, he watch the birds to eat it first. If Perpich didn’t teach him anything, Brian might just sit there beside the tree with pain.

Last, it helped Brian started trying to build some fire, he used his hatchet to make sparks, and he ripped the 20$ bill that his mom gave him, and start some fire. Now he had a guard, something that could keep him warm, and something that made him happy just like a friend, he don’t want to live it.

Brian listened to Perpich’s teachings and survived, but if Perpich didn’t teach him anything, maybe Brian will just think about the pain in his head.

That’s why Perpich’s teachings is a very important thing to help Brian survive.