There are three times when Brian has showed motivation to survive. First he made a lean-to for himself. When Brian built his lean-to he thought that he had to stay close to the lake. He didn’t want to diminish any chance of being found, Brian thought that maybe from above the rescuers could see the plane. Brian also chose for his lean-to to be under a little bit of rock.  Second Brian knew that he was starving, but he didn’t want to get lost. So he told himself as long as he kept the ”L” shape lake in sight he wouldn’t get lost. Brian went searching, then he found the gut berries! Brian collected and ate lots and lots. When he went back to his lean-to Brian started to throw-up. Brian ate too many gut berries. The next day he told himself that he couldn’t  eat anymore of the gut berries. He want to find other food. When he climbed up a hill he found…..raspberries! Brian ate lots, then when he turned around he saw a bear, Brian ran. Brian realized that he had to go back and collect more in order to survive and he did. Third when Brian saw sparks(made from his hatchet and the dark rock)he kept trying and trying. He told himself that he’s going to succeed. Brian tried many ways then….Brian saw fire! Brian is showing his motivation to survive because he wants to live his life, he doesn’t want to die in the Canadian woods.