Once when I went hiking with my class in north Vancouver the school is called Queen Mary, I went in the forest with all my friends and I saw a puppy that was really cute so I stopped to pet the puppy and when I looked back my friends were all gone so I was scared because of course I thought I was going to get eaten by a bear so I looked around to see if I could find anyone from my class and……….I did! I found my friends Grace and Emanuel and I was really happy to see them because I couldn’t believe that I was alone in a forest and so we started walking until we got lost in the forest too! So we found a big large stick so if we find a bear we can hit it with the stick so we took the stick and went walking forward and finally we found the class and we told them what happened. Another day that I was alone was when I was in the sky train with my dad and we were going to go in the elevator and it was really crowded so my dad went running in and the elevator closed but I was still outside of the elevator and not inside with my dad so I got really scared because I was alone. I waited for a while to see if my dad would realize that I was gone and he would come and and get me but instead of my dad coming to get me there was a lady that came to me and said “every thing is going to be fine I’m not going to let anything happen to you ” so I felt safe with her and we waited until the elevator opened and out came my dad running to me and he said thank you to the lady and we went home and I told my mom and my little sister.