Who am I?

My name is Chloe Jung. I was born in April 8th 2002, recently I turned thirteen. I have dark brown eyes, and long dark brown hair. My height is 165cm and I weigh 97 pounds.


Things I love to do.

I love to hang out with my friends, and study together, play video game, etc. I love baking and eating it afterwards. I also love travelling with families and friends. When I was around 7 my family and our close friends flew to Thailand, it was the best week of my life! I also love to be lazy and watch T.V shows during the weekend.


Things I hate to do usually are related to school. I hate studying for tests, and writing tests because it takes me a long time to memorize things, and I get really nervous and pressured. I also hate writing because it’s one of my worst subjects. Lastly I hate waking up early to go to school because I get tired no matter how early I go to bed and I always feel like I’m going to pass out when I wake up.


My most embarrassing moment was when I was on the swings (swinging while standing up) in a rainy day. Then suddenly I slipped and flew across the field and landed on the ground. When I landed I started to laugh because I thought it was hilarious that I slipped, and it was also fun to fly for few seconds. My other embarrassing moment was when I almost fell of the stage during a Christmas play last year. I was standing at the edge of the stage extension and someone was saying their line but I couldn’t see their face, so I leaned forward and almost face planted on the gym floor. But luckily someone below me caught me before I made a fool out of myself. It is an embarrassing moment because people were looking at me while the other person was talking.


Times I had been angry.

Most of my angry situations are when I feel like my mom plays favorites. Usually my sister would get what she wants and I would get a punishment. Also when my sister takes my stuff without telling me and then breaks it saying it was an “accident”. But when I take her stuff without asking she flips out at me. (Usually I break her stuff by accident, but the difference is that I fix it.). Lastly I get frustrated and kind of mad when some of my friends joke around even though I tell them to stop. Usually I do think it’s funny, but they sometimes cross the line. If I did the same to them they would storm off angry but I guess they think it’s only funny to do it to me. But we always just end up laughing.