Hi, my name is Maria. I’m 12 years old and I was born on Dec 9, 2002. I have brown eyes and brown long hair. Now, let me tell you a little more about myself. 

I love gymnastics, it’s actually my favourite thing to do! I like gymnastics because it’s a sport about power and grace. My friends at gymnastics are very supportive and funny. My coaches help me when I need to do a skill that I’m not too confident with. Another thing I enjoy to do is to play the piano. When I’m playing I feel like I’m in another world! Something that I did when I was younger was tennis. I would go to classes with my friend and we would learn a lot from our coach. I also like to like to swim! In the summer my family and I would go to Kelowna and we would swim in the lake. Lastly, I’d like to say that I love to make crafts! When I was younger I would stay up all night just to watch a T.V show about making crafts. When I would go shopping I would always ask, “Mom, can I get some markers?” or “… can I get some more glitter?” I would always love to make crafts at home. Well those are some things I love to do, want to know some things I hate? 

Number one, I really do hate cleaning my room. Whenever my room gets messy I procrastinate and wait. When I have to clean my room it usually takes long time! Another thing I don’t like to do is… homework! I especially don’t like it when I get lots of homework that’s due the next day. Sometimes I stay up late just to finish a big project. Something else I hate doing is going on air plane/boat rides. I’m fine with driving but for some reason I get scared when I’m in air or on water. I always think that something bad will happen like crashing or sinking. Speaking of travelling… I hate road trips. It’s just they’re long and time consuming. I like it when I get there but I definitely don’t like the ride. The reason why I don’t like them is because every year my family and I go to far places that take literally 12 hours to get there. Well those were some things I hate doing, let’s look at some embarrassing stories.

Let me tell you something embarrassing that happened to me at gymnastics. We were vaulting (vault is an event where you run really fast then jump onto a table then flip). So as I was running my friend said something to me, so I turned around. I was running so fast that when I turned around I tripped! But that wasn’t bad enough. When we were doing our routines I did my split leap and I tripped again on the same foot! Oh that was really embarrassing… Another embarrassing thing that happened to me was actually in school. My group and I were doing our French presentation, when all of a sudden I start laughing! And you know me, when I start laughing I can’t stop. So with all that laughing I only said one sentence which I mispronounced. Alright, now I’ll talk about some angry moments.

Okay, I don’t usually get angry so often but I do get angry at my siblings (brothers, sisters, etc.). I just get a little angry at them when they do something annoying or not being cooperative. Well siblings can be great at times but sometimes they just make me… angry.

Well that’s all about me! It was fun making this because I could express myself like a story! Thanks for reading!