My name is Xavier Chaudhary. I’m 13 years old, born April 29th, 2002 in Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta. I weigh 90 pounds and my height is 5 ‘4. In the light, my hair is a very dark brown colour, but it can pass for black. The colour of my eyes are also brown.

Some things I love to do are play soccer, go on vacation, watch T.V., and hang out with friends. I love these thing because of many reasons. A couple reasons for soccer is because it`s fun and I like playing competitively. Also I’ve been playing for a long time and it`s what I look forward to during the summer. It`s what motivates me to be fit. It motivates me to work my stamina up so I can run longer.

I like doing a lot of things. What I hate to do is homework. And cleaning. On top of that, watching the Vancouver Canucks lose. As you may have guessed they’re my favourite hockey team, and I hate watching them fail. That leads me to one of my failures.

I’ve had many failures and one of them is soccer. Even though it’s my favourite sport, I still have had fail shots, passes, etc. I remember this one time, I was playing and the other team had a corner shot. The ball hit me in the knee and I tried directing it down the field. I moved too quickly and it went the wrong direction. In the net. My team said it was okay and that it sometimes happens, but because of me we lost that game. That was embarrassing to me because parents were watching.

Another moment I have to share is when I have been really angry. One of those moments was during soccer. I was playing defense for that game and it was two on one play. I moved forward to challenge the dribbler and the guy who didn’t have the ball got in my way and blocked me as if he was playing basketball. I got angry because he was thought he was the best player and he didn’t even know the rules. I reacted very quickly by kneeing him in the butt and the pushing him down. It was also funny after that because when I checked the other player, the guy who thought he was playing basketball got a yellow card. My teammates and I laughed at him when he swore at me for pushing him down and told him we weren’t playing basketball. So that was my “angry moment”.