The Uglies (the feelings I had reading this book is…)

When I was reading this book I thought it was pretty weird because in the society if you turn 16 you had to get an operation to turn pretty and if you’re under 16 you are considered an ugly, but what is ugly to them? Uneven eyes? Pimples? Seems like things that are different about a person is ugly and being pretty is having perfect and other things considered beautiful .But if you’re under 5 years old you are a littlie and live your parents in crumbly Ville. All the Uglies live in ugly ville and the pretties live in pretty ville. When I first started this book I knew it was going to be a utopian society because in our world we don’t separate people just because they are supposedly ugly or pretty. I think this book is showing us that getting plastic surgery to be prettier isn’t everything because in the Uglies pretties just have fun and don’t have to listen to rules but behind the fun the surgery can also go wrong and be ugly. If I lived in a world like in the book, being labeled ugly or pretty id feel bad about it and really want the operation but in the book it seems like everyone is ok with the labeling. Even though this book is a little weird it tells you a really good message that being good looking isn’t as great as it sounds because if you happen to get plastic surgery things might not go as planned. I think this book is also about true friendship because in the book peris, Tally’s “best friend” is a pretty and it looks like he still cares about Tally but it seems like he is embarrassed by her but when she turns pretty he will like her more. Do you think that’s a true friend?
There is also a girl named Shay who tally meets doesn’t want to turn pretty so she runs away to a place called smoke she first asks her if Tally wants to go but Tally refuses to go because she actually wants to turn pretty. But when Tally realizes she has a choice between finding shay…Or not turn pretty at all could change her perspective about turning pretty for good, getting plastic surgery can get UGLY.