I predict that Happenstance will free Umber and get away from Occo (his capturer) who wants Hap too. I think this because Hap got away from Occo last time. Hap has lots of powers like super jumping. Occo has special powers also. His powers could be better so he can get away from Occo most likely. I also predict that Occo will return in the next book (Books of Umber #2 Dragon Games).

Occo might still have unrevealed powers. He also could win and capture Hap and maybe kill Umber. Back in Chapter 11 Occo easily defeated 2 Kurahaven guards at the same time and survived a wooden table followed by a hundred candles. He was also able to attack Hap shortly after, though Hap did get away. In Chapter 27 (The last chapter I read) Occo almost killed a guard named Dodd.

If Hap does manage to free Umber and escape from Occo then they will probably search for WN and run into dragons. I think there will be dragons because the 2nd book is called Books of Umber Dragon Games. They will probably at least leave Kurahaven otherwise Occo will attack Kurahaven again. The back of the book also says Occo is a supernatural assassin.

I also think Occo might be Brother Caspar. I think this because Caspar was obsessed with green eyed people. He is also not in Kurahaven anymore. So it would make sense if it was him who was trying to catch Happenstance.

In conclusion, I think Hap will free Umber and escape from Occo. Then they will leave Kurahaven and look for WN.