So my group and I have been reading this book, and we thought about some predictions, I predicted that Occo and Hap could somehow be related. These are some of my reasons.

First of all, both Hap and Occo have some sort of special power/ability. Most people in the Aerie don’t have powers. Their abilities are similar to each other. Hap, has the power to jump really high (sometimes he is called a grasshopper!). Occo, has the ability to jump high too, his legs make him jump so high because his knees are bent backwards, just like a bird!

Another reason I think Hap and Occo are related is because he really wants Hap. I don’t think he could use Hap though, their powers are so similar! Maybe, Occo and Hap came from the same world! Although I don’t think Occo would be a “green eyed” person because he has blue eyes. What if there was something called the “blue eyed” people? Occo has blue eyes and he has a power. We haven’t been told what colour Umber’s eyes are but perhaps they are dark coloured because he doesn’t have a power. The reason why I think its “dark” eyes and not another colour is because dark eyes are most common and they are not “rare”.

In conclusion I think that Occo and Hap are related and those are my reasons. I’m not sure if I’m right but it sure is a thought!
