When we started weaving I didn’t really know much, but as we kept going I started to like it and I learned a lot.

Through the weaving project I learned that you can make a beautiful artwork with just using materials from nature. We made something very unique just using willow branches and green ivy. We didn’t use materials we would normally use in art class, like paint, and paper. I never really thought of using plants (besides flowers) to make an art piece.

In my opinion I enjoyed weaving more than what we did at the beginning of the year which was painting and working with colors and shapes. The reason why I like weaving better than the Peter Max artwork is that we didn’t have any rules on how our piece should look like, unlike Peter Max painting where we could only choose two colors and think about how the shapes should be and the meaning behind our piece. In my opinion I like doing/making things where I actually get to do whatever we want and not having to consider about the connection you have with your work.

But there were some challenging parts about weaving. Because we had to use natural resources it didn’t look pretty or sometimes I couldn’t make it into the shape I wanted to. Also there were times when the green ivy won’t stay in the place I wanted it to be, so sometimes I wanted to use glue gun and glue the pieces together, instead of binding it with willow or ivy. But I found that the messiness completed the look in the end.

Overall I really enjoyed weaving and how we used stuff from nature and not from a factory!