The weaving project we are doing is actually pretty fun. I never expected it to be like this. When we weave every morning and sometimes in our free time, it’s really fun because we get to talk, and listen to Ms.Lanaway read some books, its like a big circle of art and socializing.

Weaving is also really fun because the materials that we are using are easier and more interesting because they are tree branches and invasive plants. It’s more intriguing if we get to use stuff like that.

The part in weaving that I find interesting is that so many people in our class have never heard of weaving and never done it before and now we are all pretty good at it. We’ve even created something cool of our own. It’s also amazing that there are so many people who’ve done amazing projects and it’s just fantastic.

A part in our weaving project that I don’t like is how some of us are constantly having to change our plans on what we’re creating because the willow is either too dry or the ivy is ripping when we bind it and (Ugh the worst part) it falls apart. We are constantly having these bumps in the road and it’s very frustrating but we always find a different way to make our plan work or we change our plan and continue on.

Lastly, the hardest part is bending the willow. We always have to bend the willow before we do anything with it because if we don’t it’ll break. It’s just kind of hard.