My weaving project

  What I liked and disliked About this weaving project is:

Liked: What I liked about this project Is that It was complicated and fun at the same time And we got to go to a garden and get 2 Invasive Species of plants for the project The Ivy and willow we used and we made a lot of cool stuff with all of the stuff Like Springs and small chains made of willow and Ivy.

Disliked: What I disliked about this project Is that It takes a little to long to put all the stuff together so we used a lot of the willow and ivy to make one small thing so we had to visit the garden a few times and at the 2nd one there was probably not a lot of willow and ivy left for the whole class to use. Another thing I disliked was how a lot of it broke really easy like one small crack you make It all falls apart and you have to restart the whole thing unless you use a lot of ivy on It which I don`t do because it is sort of wasteful to use a lot of Ivy on one piece of art that will just be shown at a art gallery or around the school.