A thing I like about weaving (and I’m going to be honest here) is that it wastes the first twenty or thirty minutes of the day. By waste I don’t mean weaving is a total waste effort in making something cool. I mean that we have 20 minutes gone from the day and no work (like language arts) in that time period. To me, I’d rather spend the first half and hour of the day weaving then jumping straight into language arts. Why? Well, I’m usually very tired in the morning and I’d just rather not have to get working right away. So that’s what I like about weaving.

What I dislike is that we have to clean up off the ground. I’d rather spare myself from the cleanup. That’s just me, I hate cleaning up. Another thing I dislike is the challenges you’re facing when weaving. Like when the ivy is dried up and it breaks. When I don’t have a good strong piece and it breaks my whole creation and I have to start over, knowing it won’t look the same and as cool. Another challenge I am constantly facing is that the ivy is not that thick and it just doesn’t tie properly. Something I absolutely hate is the fact that when I try making something it just undoes itself. I guess maybe that’s my fault for tying properly but it’s annoying.

Overall weaving is okay because it wakes me up slowly and it’s easier for me to focus as the day goes on.