Giver Dead or Alive

Jonas is probably alive. Because he had the ability to see and hear beyond, I think Jonas was able to actually hear the music which I believe to be real. I think this because if you are dead you can’t hear, see or feel anything. Some people said he is hallucinating on the other team and said he was dead if u were dead you can’t see or hear anything in a distance or close at all.

He is maybe alive and getting a new mem0ry or just upgrading an old one to see what it is like to live that memory in real life, to ride a sled down a hill with snow. In the dream it said he saw lights too, and he saw lights in real life after going down the slide, so maybe the house was in both real life and the dream life. Maybe that’s the elsewhere the community has not liked because it had Grandparents, fire, presents and snow, and these things represent dangerous or inconvenient things for the community. This new community probably has knowledge of other stuff probably like war, grandparents and fire, and this would not be welcome knowledge in the old community. I believe that Jonas is on his way to a new community