I think that “Love” might be too big of a word for the community.  It’s such a vague word, that it could mean so many things. To the community “Love” might mean that your totally devoted to that person, that it becomes an obsession. But since they have to take the pills that stop you from having Stirrings/feelings. It has become obs0lete in Jonas’s time. For example back then, if the person you love gets released, you wont accept it and want to get released with them. Instead of a celebration of joy, you will feel pain and sadness. This will make the community chaotic, because everyone will be doing and feeling different things, which will make it a mess. When Jonas’s dad corrected him and said to use the right language, Jonas was confused , because he had his own meaning of “Love”, that his parents didn’t know about. His dad corrected him by saying “Do you enjoy me? Do you take pride in my accomplishments”? His answer to Jonas was yes. Jonas’s dad didn’t use the word “Love”, because he’s not totally devoted to Jonas, and is not uncontrollably attached to him. If he was, the community would be a wreck. That’s why “Love has become obsolete and what it means in their community.