A time when I had freedom of choice and it caused me anxiety was when I had to choose between skating lessons and swimming lessons. This was a very hard decision for me because I was in level seven in skating and would soon move on to figure skating which I had grown an interest for. And I was in level eight in swimming and would go on to competitive swimming and life guard training. The reason I could not continue both because a couple of months before my baby brother was born. It would have been very hectic for my mom to take me both lessons twice a week with my brother. Some days I felt like doing skating and some days I felt like continuing as a swimmer. I could probably say that this was a very tough decision to make. A couple of weeks later, there was an all girls hockey league starting and I wanted to try out. Ever since then I have enjoyed hockey thoroughly. I would have never imagined myself having an interest in playing floor hockey. This has now become my passion and I have won a couple of trophies with my team. Although I still feel like I want to be a skater and swimmer, I am grateful that I did not have to make that choice on the spot because I probably have never known the joy of playing floor hockey.