Ceremony Of 2

When you turn the age of 2, you get your first comfort object, and also get two uniforms, one to wear at home and one to wear outside. You get your first comfort object in the age of two because some of the parents might be working late and when you have to go to bed before they came you will need something to comfort you. Also you get your first pairs of home and outside uniform. That will separate you from the other age categories.

Ceremony Of 11

When you turn the age of 11, you start attending school, and you get your first school uniform. And you get a special day to do whatever you want in the community. Because I’ve always wanted to have the time to be able to do things I couldn’t do in a daily basis so you get a day of free time.

Ceremony Of 12

When you turn the age of 12, you will get assigned for you first job and you work only on Saturday for an hour. This is to help you and get you ready for your permanent assignment when you get older. You also get you first ever brand new phone and you get to change your name permanently. I decided this because you get more responsible so you have more choices than when you were young.