The Ceremony of two

When you’re a two you receive a brand new set of Sippy cups and a crib bed. You also get a larger stroller than your other one will be recycled to make a new one or will be given to another family.(I guess you’d get new Sippy cups, crib bed, and stroller because your still young but your older than before and bigger so you need a replacement of strollers and other things.)
The ceremony of 4
When you’re a four your crib bed gets taken a way and you get an actual bed bigger than your crib bed. You would start to use hair scrunchies to tie your hair back into a ponytail, you’ll also get two dresses.
The ceremony of 5

When your 5 you get a bigger bed with no rails so you don’t fall off, you get new school supplies two pairs of pants a large coat for winter and new mittens also for winter.