I predict the giver is about an old man that lives in the woods inside an old house and he would give out gifts to people in the community that he lives near. Because by looking at the cover it basically has the old man on it with a bunch of trees on it also the title is called the giver so I thought maybe he’d give out gifts to people of like wrapped presents or advice. I could tell that he is about 60 or 70 years old because of his long beard and wrinkles. My first impression of the book is that it’s quite boring right now but I’m sure it’s going to get more and more exciting but for now it’s basically just telling about the main character, his family, and what the rules are for the community. Which is great info when starting this book. My connections is to another story called the shadow children series which is when you’re only aloud three children and if you have four then the fourth child has to live in hiding, can’t go outside, make a ton of noise and must stay away from windows so no one suspects anyone else is living at the house besides the mom, dad, and the three children .They become the shadow children so it’s kind of like the giver with the child policy but is way different