1. Ceremony of new born: My name James comes from my papa. His name is James and he passed away when I was 4 years old. Roland comes from my god dad and he is awesome. He is awesome because when he hunts for deer then gives some to my dad. Alan comes from my dad. He is so fun we play soccer and basketball. Pascal comes from my dad his dad so that is why my name is special to me. And I was born is Squamish and I was razed in Mount Currie for 10 years it is so beautiful there. I was born on September 19\2002
  2. Ceremony of 2 when I was: 2 years old I had a brother named Laurent, Laurent comes from my dad’s best friend.Ethan that just sound cool for his middle name.A.J comes from my uncle Owen middle name. Pascal comes from my dad’s last name and my dad’s dad came from. Laurent was born in Vancouver he was razed in Mount Currie for 8 years. Laurent was born on February 29 2004
  3. Ceremony of 11 when I was: 11 I had a new brother named Mc  Garrett,Horatio,Wyatt, Pascal.Mc Garrett comes from 1 of the guys on Hawaii 5-0.Horatio come from the leader of that
  4. Ceremony of 12 when I was: 12 I had another brother Anthony, Anthony comes from my stepdads best friend and Edward comes from my mom and stepdad’s grandfather Cruz just sound like a cool middle name and Pascal comes from my stepdad’s name but Pascal comes from my dad’s name and my step dads name they were cousins This is my Ceremony of Age.