One reason that’s good about being matched is that you would never have a moment in your life confused to know if you love someone or not. Another good thing about being matched is you would probably never argue and you’d get along really well because you have soo many things in common.

One reason against being matched is you may have all these things in common does NOT mean you love them! You could be really good friends but husband and wife?! My other reason against being matched is you may have known them as a child and you may be really good friends, so you’ve seen all their sides! But because you’re such good friends, it may be hard to marry them if you don’t think of them in an affectionate way. Imagine you have to marry your best female friend, or male friend, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

So those are my reasons To Be Matched, Or Not To Be! What’s your response? Would YOU want to be matched?