Month: November 2021

Beautiful day at the park!

Despite calls for much rain in the afternoon, Division 3 got lucky with an afternoon of mild weather! Students ran and played in the forest, jumped and threw rocks in big puddles and got themselves a little wet and dirty! Success! 🙂

This morning was a little exciting with news that there was a coyote spotted on Maywood grounds. It was shooed away and seemed to trot in the direction of Central Park. We kept our eyes peeled this afternoon but saw no signs of the coyote. Students were reminded about safety around coyotes and I thought I’d share some information.

Coyote Safety

“Coyotes can be found in rural and urban area across Canada. They often shy away from humans, but if one does approach, here’s what to do:

  • Be aggressive. Wave your arms, stomp and yell loudly in a deep voice to deter it from coming closer.
  • Stand your ground. Stay where you are and look it in the eye. Never run away; it is more likely to consider you prey, give chase and seriously harm you.
  • Be prepared. The best defence is a good offence; carry a whistle, flashlight and/or personal alarm. This is especially important for small children who play outside or walk to school in areas where coyotes have been spotted.
  • Stay together. If you are walking in an area that has high coyote activity, never do so without a companion.
  • Don’t lure them with food. Coyotes are scavengers. If you have pets, feed them inside the house. Don’t leave meat scraps or products in compost buckets outside your house, and keep regular compost in an enclosed area. Also ensure garbage bins have tight resealable lids to keep out animals”. CBC News 

November News

  • Nov. 11 is Remembrance Day – Maywood will remember our fallen soldiers and reflect on the importance of peace and diversity, Nov. 10th. No school Nov. 11
  • Nov. 12 is Forest Friday. Please dress for the weather! (calling for 50% chance of rain right now).
  • Interim Report Cards go home Nov. 29th. Teachers will be assessing and reporting the month of November.

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