BLOGfolios have begun!

Dear families

This week, Division 3 began our learning in Digital Citizenship and is now learning how to post to their BLOGfolios! This is so exciting, as many students have not done this before. This is a great way to share in your child’s learning. A letter is going home this week to explain what blogfolios are and how you can access these password protected learning spaces.

For information on accessing your child’s blog, I’m providing a link here so that you can read the new “how to” page for parents.

On my Language Arts page (here’s a quick link), students can remind themselves how to make a blog post, embed pictures and videos, and find other information. Burnaby School District’s Learning Technologies has also provided the following instructional information. Students can check the link on how to post.

Happy blogging!


  1. Chi Hung

    Very exciting!

  2. Liliya Zhekov


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