The winter holidays are upon us!

Well, friends, the season’s holiday is fast approaching!

As we near the end of the week, and beginning of our two-week holiday, I would like to thank families for their diligence and adaptability during these difficult and somewhat stressful times. This fall presented many challenges to us as we made our way back to school.  We’ve had to adapt to changes in how we work, learn and play.  Students, parents, and teachers alike have all stepped up the plate! While we’ve had to let go of some of our favourite things to do (or ways of doing them), we’ve also gained in learning more about ourselves and each other; building on our capacity for empathy and understanding. It’s been a privilege to be a part of your child’s learning this term!

I know that the holidays may be very different for some us this year. Maybe we won’t be able to visit the people or places that we love. Please take heart that we’re turning a corner and by spring we should be in a different place.

I wish you and your family a wonderful time off together!

During this time of isolation, don’t forget to use our outdoor spaces for fresh air and exercise, to do the things that bring joy and renewal. In this time of togetherness, within our small family bubbles, remember that as the winter solstice returns the light, so too does hope return, bringing us a new year, with new possibilities!

I am at home this week, but can be reached by email. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require assistance. Take care!


  1. Ginalyn

    Thank You Teacher! Happy Holidays!

    • lanawayk

      Thank you! 🙂

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