Hi Friends!

Today was a very wet day in the forest. Students still enjoyed our forest time, however those who were not prepared for the weather suffered!

Parents: please know that students will always be reminded to write in their planners when we have planned a trip into the forest. Please check their planners daily to help remind them of homework and other responsibilities.

How should students dress for the weather?

  • Rain coat/slicker or poncho. Many students come to school in a cotton hoodie or coat which is NOT resistant to rain. Only vinyl, rubber, or plastic is resistant. Cotton, polyester and other fabrics absorb water, making for a very cold trip outside when it is raining. Vinyl ponchos are cheap ($2) and easily purchased at the dollar store. If you think your child’s coat isĀ  not resistant to the rain, please consider buying one.
  • Rubber boots or hikers. Rubber boots are best, but hikers are definitely better than running shoes. Students’ feet got very wet today as they insisted on wearing running shoes. These are not appropriate for a wet forest full of puddles.
  • Layers. Warm layers under the rain resistant coat is a necessity. A good warm middle layer is a puffy coat, fleece sweater/hoodie (not cotton) or wool sweater (my favourite!)
  • Warm socks. These ideally are thick and wooly (or fuzzy). Thin cotton socks are a misery when wet!
  • Bring EXTRA! I always bring an extra pair of socks and shoes to change into when I get back to class and boy, am I ever glad that I do! Some students bring their boots for the forest in a plastic grocery bag and then change back into their regular shoes when they’re back to class. This brings extra comfort to the rest of their day!
  • Gloves. Now that we’re getting into winter, our visits to the forest are going to get a lot colder. Students should have a pair of gloves to keep their hands warm. Once wet, they’re not too warm. I save my gloves in a dry place until the walk home.
  • Hat/Toque. I love a warm toque on a cold, rainy day! (Rain coat or poncho hood keeps it dry!)


With the weather getting more wet and cold, it’s a good idea to take stock of your outer wear and update. There are many affordable options. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am happy to help!