Month: October 2020

Weekly schedule is now up!

We have a schedule! I’ve posted it to our homework board so you can view it from home. This does not include the details of the day or any of the many changes that can happen throughout the week, but subjects that are unlikely to change, such as Music, Band, P.E. and French, have been set in the schedule now.

Students who receive ELL and LSS support also have their schedules. This information can be found in the student’s planner.

Go to the homework page to find a link to the schedule.

Feel free to comment or question!

Math Groups are Happening!

Families – Please know that Math groups have begun. Your child has been assigned one of three Math teachers: Ms. Macartney, Ms. Apor or myself, Ms. Lanaway. If you have any concerns regarding your child and Math, please feel free to discuss this with me and/or your child’s Math teacher. We’re happy to help!

Students will be receiving 4x ~60min of Math a week on the following days: Mon, Wed, Thur, and Fri. We are still finalizing schedules. Once everything has been set, I will post this to the homework page. I am hoping that we can also populate the homework board regularly, so you should see Math homework posted on this page — coming soon!

Homework Board

Happy weekend!

Blogfolios are up and running!

Hi folks!

All Division 1 students have now been entered into our blogfolio system and have access to posting on my blog. This is password protected, so only myself, the student, and one parent (more if you wish to add) have access to the blog.

An orange notice went home last week with your USERNAME and a temporary password (parent2000). If you have a password from past years, this will (should) still work!

**The temporary password will no longer work. If you are new, you will need to reset your own pw using FORGOT PW – Don’t forget to check your spam/junk folder for this auto generated email.

What do I need from you? Two things:

  1. Please respond to me to let me know you got notification of this new blog post (notification should have arrived in your email inbox).
  2. Please sign-in to  your child’s blogfolio. Please let me know if you were able (or not) to get in!

I look forward to hearing from you!

For further information, visit the district Learning Technologies site, or specifically Communicating Student Learning via Blogfolios.

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