Month: September 2020

Welcome new parents!

I’ve just added many new parents to my subscriber’s list so that you can be notified when I post something new to Lanaway’s Lounge. Please let me know if you got the notification and if you would like me to add a second family member (or if you would like to be removed!).

If this is your first time visiting Lanaway’s Lounge, please take a look, scroll down and acquaint yourself with the blog. Notice there are tabs along the top. I’ve already posted school work to the Language Arts >> novel study >> One Crazy Summer page. We have a Homework Board that will be updated by students, as well as our Blogfolio page which will be updated soon.

Enjoy! I look forward to hearing from you!

Hello, Division 1!

It’s been a wild and wacky week, but we did it! We have our entry and exit routines down pretty good and we’re beginning to get through these protocols quicker now that we have the portable soap and water! I know there has been a lot of uncertainty, but we are slowly sifting through what needs to be done and schedules are forthcoming!

For now, we are spending time getting to know each other, building a strong classroom community that is inclusive and empowering for everyone. We’ve had some great discussions already! I look forward to getting to know you all and can’t wait to fully jump into this new school year!

This week:

  • a welcome notice with the school supply list was sent home. All students should have their full supplies at the school by now. We are storing these in the green bins at the front of the class. REMINDER: we are not sharing supplies, so please remember to always have these on hand.
  • School planners have been given out. These are $6 – please be sure to bring $$ if you haven’t yet paid.
  • Student Verification Forms have been gone out. There is a paper portion that should have been returned today (Friday), please return by Monday, Sept. 14th so the office can process these as quick as possible. There is also an online portion. *Please be sure to complete this process.
  • Virtual (ZOOM) “Welcoming Conversations” are coming up next week – a notice went home today stating your scheduled time to meet in the virtual classroom. You’ve also been sent the information by email so that the zoom link can be easily accessed. Please confirm your time by email and let me know if there is another parent’s email address you’d like to me store in my records. We will be using email for a lot more communication this year.
  • The Grade 7’s met with their Band teacher, Mr. Denroche today. Band times will be Wednesday @ 2:25 – 3:10 p.m. and Thursday @ 10:45-11:30 a.m.

Next week:

  • We have Welcoming Conversations Wednesday and Thursday (Sept 23/24) next week. Please confirm your times.
  • Early dismissals will be Thursday and Friday (Sept 24/25). Our dismissal times are 2:10 p.m.


Have a great weekend, see you bright and early (9:10 a.m.) Monday!

Welcome Back, students!

I look forward to seeing your lovely faces, especially after such a looooong time! I hope that you all had an enjoyable summer, connecting with family and spending time in our beautiful outdoors!

As you know, we have a delayed and staggered start-up.

  • Grade 4/5 student orientation is Thursday, Sept. 10th @ 1:00 – 2:30 pm
  • Grade 6/7 student orientation is Friday, Sept. 11th @ 1:00 – 2:30 pm — See you then!


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